November Overview

As I mentioned in my last monthly update, the end of November and beginning of December was largely spent abroad and this is also why the last month update comes so late. But better late than never, right?!

November went by really fast, but was it also profitable?

So from the deposit side of things, being away and unable to spend due to horrible workload is a good thing, I guess. For example, while in France I had lunch twice and dinner once during the whole week. The days were so packed full of meetings that I just had no time for more. Not healthy, but great savings as otherwise I would have had to eat out all these meals.

Deposits were 800 € and this divided between portals as follows:
Mintos 50
CrowdEstate 250
LHV Growth Account 300
Envestio (a new portal) 200

Income was about average, no big surprises (well one bad one, CrowdEstate).

EstateGuru 36,91
Mintos 31,58
CrowdEstate 11,27
Envestio 5
Grupeer 3,08
Bandora 0,18

All together 88,02€ or mathematically 2,93 € a day, which is a bit below the average.

So in general EstateGuru which pays unevenly due to being linked to when the project's end, had the best month of a year for me. Mintos has been quite stable, but as the interest rate has gone down, the interest received has gone down a bit as well. CrowdEstate has otherwise been spot on, but the MMMSprattus OÜ has been late more than a month with payments (from the end of October). It seems they expected to pay up using a state subsidy which they did not end up getting (or have not got yet). So hoping for a resolution on this project. All others have paid on time, so happy with those.
All others were small payments, the Envestio which I just started within November paid the new client signup bonus, which you get if you use an user-link to sign up and transfer also some money to the account.

The portfolio value was 18857,55 € on 30.11.2018. This the second month in a row where the general value is lower than expected based on the deposits. The stock market has gone down a bit again, and my LHV Growth Account showed that I was down almost 10 % in the value (based on the purchase value), as I am writing it almost 3 weeks later, the drop is almost 11% at the moment. So a great time to buy more :)

So this was November. In a week it is time to look at the December stats and then also draw conclusions for the whole year, and of course, set some new goals. Can't wait to see the final stats of the year.


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