So here is the 9th monthly update of the year and I will include in the end also a small overview of the quarterly statistics, as we are through three-fourths of the year.

So what has been happening in September of 2019?
Some hesitant changes have happened when looking at the deposits/withdrawals this really shows:
CrowdEstate -200
EstateGuru -200
Envestio 100
Grupeer 150
I have been slowly withdrawing money from EstateGuru and CrowdEstate due to al the issues with default loans. EstateGuru has actually recovered several loans but I am still hesitant as they struggle to sell the collateral of some of the loans. The main issue for me is that I am not sure what to do with the money. Should I add it to my Growth Account? Add to Envestio? Think of starting a company and going into IB? Not sure, so at the moment I added the sum to my savings account and I will ponder it.
But as I did add investments to other accounts I ended the month with +50€ in investments when looking at all the deposits and withdrawals.
From the income side of things, Grupeer and CrowdEstate were unusually low. For the Grupeer the main issue is I have previously managed to take part of some cashback offers and had none this month, for CrowdEstate the issue is 14 delayed projects (or 11 if you count my luck being in 4 installments of the same problematic project). On the other hand, Envestio and EstateGuru had the best months of the year, EstateGuru ending a delayed project and cashing in about 3% extra interest on that one.
From best to worst:
Mintos 47,02
EstateGuru 40,46
CrowdEstate 23,52
Envestio 19,99
LHV Growth Account 14,04
Grupeer 6,80
Bondora 0,08
Another notable thing was the small dividend on the LHV account coming from EXSA (Europe 600 UCITS ETF). I had also some confirmed dividends coming in from the SPYW (Euro Dividend Aristocrats) but they were actually deposited to my account in October so they will be in the next monthly update.
So the income was 151,91€ altogether or 5,06€ a day which is the third best month of the year, so not too shabby.
The portfolio value was 25830,95 on 30.09.2019, which is 400 higher than a month ago. As you could see that I added only 50€ and income vas about 150 so the rest came from the market fluctuations.
As this was the end of the III quarter of the year I did take some time to look at the overall stats as well.
I started investing in August of 2016 so I have been doing it for more than 3 years, but as the first months had a limited income as many of the projects did not start paying immediately I made a graph starting from the beginning of 2017. As monthly income does fluctulate I generated a quarterly view of things. As is evident the 1st quarter was rather similar to last year and this made me worried as I made a kind of new year's resolution to earn 1800€. The II and III quarters did pick up considerably I am happy to say. My income from investments from January to September has been 1290,70€ and therefore to meet my goal I need to earn 509,30 in the next 3 months (average of 170 a month). Looking at the past 2 months this seems improbable. Looking at June and July it should not be a problem, so I need to de a bit better than this month or to have at least one really good month. I am hopeful... Wish me luck!
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