March 2019 overview

We are already through a quarter of a year. Time has gone by fast, I have been really busy and can not wait for the better weather to come around. I feel like I am constantly deprived of something in Estonian winters, and I guess it is sunlight. I am all for the spring weather to come around! So yay for spring and nay for another transition to daylight saving time! Next quarter also includes some vacation time. All is good!

How did March go?

Looking at the deposits, I deposited only in few portals this month. My current auto transfers to CrowdEstate and LHV are still active so these are done as usual. I also added some money to Grupeer and Envestio. All together I deposited 540€ in March. I would like to deposit even more on Envestio and CrowdEstate but in both sites, my money is sitting on the account as there are not as many new projects coming to the site (or I am missing them). Hopefully, things pick up in April. Looking at the future in CrowdEstate I should have many projects ending in June and July so I hope that there will be many new projects coming up otherwise my money sits there...

 Income for March

CrowdEstate 47,69
Mintos 36,83
EstateGuru 28,73
Envestio 5,90
Grupeer 4,39
Bondora 0,08
LHV Growth Account 4,36 € and 3,18 $

Income for March was 127,98 € (and 3,18 $) which is 4,13 a day. 
As you can see, again the CrowdEstate was the best one for the income. Overall, the order of portals is the same as last month with the added LHV which did not pay out dividends in January or February for me. Comparing to the last month the Bondora and CrowdEstate did underperform compared to February and all others improved slightly. Compared to February the income was 12 € less, but compared to January (was 97,79) this month was about 30 € better. So I guess an average month looking at the income.

The portfolio value was 21914,75 on 31.03.2019, which is 787 higher than a month ago. As the deposits were 540 the rest 240€ is portfolio growth, mostly again like last month this is coming from the LHV Growth Account being finally positive. On the other side, the MDARA stock has dropped 50 € for me, it is still positive but not sure what this is about. They just came out with new UV products as well as hair products, so a bit miffed with this price drop.

How was March and the first quarter of 2019 for you?


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