Let's start by stating that I do not know how to analyze stocks. Total noob here in this, but I do feel I have something to say here... So please keep reading- it is a short post and I will get to finance in just a few sentences but the short introduction to this post is needed I think.

I have been using Madara skincare for almost a year. I am not totally loyal to them, I also use other companies. My main goal is great value at a great price. I LOVE Madara products I have tried so far - so I think they fit in this category.
I love them so much that I even ordered their beauty insider box last year- this means I will get 2 mystery boxes (one I got in April, and one will come in October) for the price of 37,95 € and the retail value of the products of at least 80€. A great offer isn't it? Even if I get something I know I won't use - I could gift the unopened product so someone who probably has more use for it. And I did love the first box I got :)
So let's get to the stock for a moment. Madara came to the Nasdaq First North Alternative Market in the end of last year, and current price as I write this post is 7,70€ per stock. Something that is quite hidden on a Madara website, is the info that if you own at least 26 Madara stocks and you sign up on their website- you get these boxes for free. So at a current price to get this offer you need to invest about 200 €. Meaning that looking at the price of the beauty box you will earn back the investment in about five years, and if you look at the retail value of the products it will take two and a half years. Yes, the "dividend" is in cosmetics, but hey, for a 200€ investment you get 80 € worth of cosmetics. That is 40% yield a year. Also based on the prospect they have paid out dividends in previous years so real monetary dividends could be expected as well. Any money you might make from the stock itself would be a bonus. But even if the stock value decreases somewhat in 5 years, but they keep up the beauty insider box offer- you would still be quite OK. Also as Madara does not just produce their cosmetics but produces for other brands (if I am not mistaken) so this might help in case when Madara brand has some negative press or something- they do have several lines of income. And as a woman who uses skincare daily with these somewhat free boxes, I spend less on skincare as some are just shipped to me- for example, I won't need to look for a great SPF for the summer as I have a big tube of it now.
I have no practice or real knowledge in stock picking, but based on this calculation- I guess I am going to buy some. Of course, you get just one box even if you buy hundreds of shares so the skincare "dividend" will be lower then. Buts still, it is an intriguing offer.
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