April stats

April was a slow month in investing but also personally quite enjoyable as I had a week-long vacation abroad :)

Deposits first. I withdrew 40 € from Bondora and deposited altogether 460 € to all other places (Mintos, Grupeer, EstateGuru, CrowdEstate and LHV Growth Account). So, in the end, the deposit balance was +410 € to investments, which is 30% of my after-tax income.
You might have noticed that I added a new site Grupeer to the list. It is a new site I am trying out. I will make a separate post about it when I have more experience. At first glance it looks a lot like Mintos but has no automated bid system, so requires regular logins to keep your money in circulation. Not a real problem so far as I have just 50€ circling there and I do visit my investing sites about twice a month anyway, to see what is going on.

So what did I earn?
This month did not have any clear big income portions, there were 2 exits in EstateGuru platform but as these were investments with monthly payments the final installments did not increase the income in any perceivable manner.
The income was as follows:
Bondora 9,88 €
Mintos 35,12 € (including 9,80 € cashback).
Grupeer 0,40 € cashback
EstateGuru 9,13 €
CrowdEstate 11,28 €
LHV growth account 2,22 € + 0,44 $ It is both good and sad to see that all funds I own here are again in "green". So the account value is greater than the money I have invested, but at the same time, this means buying the ETFs is more expensive, ah well...

So all together the income in April was 67,63 € or 2,25 € a day- which is about 50% lower than the previous month, but I do realize that previous month was uncommonly good with CrowdEstate paying almost 73 € compared to this month 11 €.

The portfolio value was 14904,04 € on 30.04.2018.

Also, this month the Tallinn Vesi stock announced the plan to pay out dividends in the sum of 0,36 € per stock. The amount needs to be confirmed by the board but the current plan is to lock the owners' list on 13th of July and pay out on 26th of July. Taking into account that I bought the stock in not the best of time, my income from the investment would be 2,59%. In Estonia the current inflation is about 2,8%, meaning this investment is not profitable at all. So decisions to make here. To either cut the losses or to stay in as everyone needs water- it seems like the price at least should not fall anymore. But there is still one court decision to come. We will see...

Exact numbers can be seen in the spreadsheet here.


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