Mintos news May 2019

Mintos sent out informational emails yesterday and today. So if you are not a user yet, but have been thinking about it maybe this is interesting information for you:

  • Kredo loan portal on Mintos is offering 2% cashback
    on loans with a duration 13 months or longer. Offer is valid until 3rd of June. To qualify for the offer you need to enrol to the offer, you can find the link after you have logged in, in the top right when you click on your name the dropdown menu link "offers" there you need to enrol. This offer is not valid if you do not enrol to this offer. And of course, you need to invest then also to their loans to get the cashback. 
    When I looked around I saw that they offer only loans that come with a buyback guarantee and seem all to be with 13% interest rate, so with cashback that becomes 15% loans, and you will get the cashback almost instantly. At least previously they have paid cashback offers to the account about once a week, so you can actually reinvest the cashback money and get more cash back. So instant money. 
    Kredo is one of the lower rating portals in Mintos with C+ rating, so be cautious, and think on risks as well. I personally will try this offer with some of my circulating money in Mintos. I put in some money what was sitting on my account (auto invest seems to have trouble getting money out although there are loans suitable for the auto invest). I hope this was a wise decision. 
    Also if you invest using this offer note that in first page this income is shown under campaign rewards but for some reason in accouns statement view (if I remember correctly) it is shown under deposits.
  • Today's news was that the average interest rate in Mintos has grown to 13%. They have even loans with 19% interest, many loan portals, many countries and loan types- so something for everyone.
    I personally have seen a drop in my average, which has been dropping and is currently at 12,40%. Maybe I am more cautious than the average investor, preferring buyback guarantee, higher rated loan portals and diversification between portals. But as you did see from the previous point I do take some challenges as well. You win some, you lose some.

Still, Mintos is one of the best portals I am using and I think it is a great way to start if you have been thinking about getting into P2P investing.


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