And suddenly one-third of a year has passed. It has felt rather slow but now looking back - it has gone so quickly. And to be honest I am a bit worried, worried about my yearly goals. Getting a 25 000 portfolio should not be a problem as I have deposited quite a lot of additional money but the income... income does not want to increase and to get 1800€ income I need about 150€ a month. And this does not seem to be happening. June and July should be rather good months in CrowdEstate, so maybe that would help. I have thought of adding more money but even if I add 1000€ and get let's say 12% in the 8 months left of this year, that is just additional 80€. That would not help much and would mean taking money from the snowydayfund...
But let's keep the post manageable and not tooo long. How was April, was it better than March?
Looking at the deposits, I deposited in almost all the portals this month. So from smallest to largest, it looked like this:
Envestio 300
But on to the April income, from best to worst it is as follows:
EstateGuru 28,12
Grupeer 5,58
Bondora 0,09
Income for April was 129,05 € which is 4,30 a day.
So the overall monthly income is just 1€ more than last month but as the month was one day shorter the daily rate was much better compared to March (4,13 vs 4,30).
The first time this year Mintos outperformed CrowdEstate for me. This has happened in 2018 as well as CrowdEstate is variable and Mintos is rather stable. Both CrowdEstate and EstateGuru have some loans which are in debt to me. CrowdEstate has one main culprit the MMMSprattus, and two which are just one day late and this might be just a weekend effect that money has not come through yet. EstateGuru is more complicated, there 5 loans are in default and 3 more 60+ days late. So out of 57 loans, this is more than 10%.
We will see what May brings. I would guess everything else to be stable and LHV getting nothing as my ETFs so not usually pay out in May (expect something in June from EXSA and a bigger payout in July from VAL). Need to hope for some solutions to the late loans in the portals... Maybe hope will not be enough.
The portfolio value was 22818,72 on 30.04.2019, which is 904 higher than a month ago which quite well agrees with the larger deposits of the April.
But how to boost the monthly income? Hope that portals like CrowdEstate and EstateGuru will cover it? Add more money to high-interest risky portals? Add more money to less risky places? Not sure. What would you do?
So the overall monthly income is just 1€ more than last month but as the month was one day shorter the daily rate was much better compared to March (4,13 vs 4,30).
The first time this year Mintos outperformed CrowdEstate for me. This has happened in 2018 as well as CrowdEstate is variable and Mintos is rather stable. Both CrowdEstate and EstateGuru have some loans which are in debt to me. CrowdEstate has one main culprit the MMMSprattus, and two which are just one day late and this might be just a weekend effect that money has not come through yet. EstateGuru is more complicated, there 5 loans are in default and 3 more 60+ days late. So out of 57 loans, this is more than 10%.
We will see what May brings. I would guess everything else to be stable and LHV getting nothing as my ETFs so not usually pay out in May (expect something in June from EXSA and a bigger payout in July from VAL). Need to hope for some solutions to the late loans in the portals... Maybe hope will not be enough.
The portfolio value was 22818,72 on 30.04.2019, which is 904 higher than a month ago which quite well agrees with the larger deposits of the April.
But how to boost the monthly income? Hope that portals like CrowdEstate and EstateGuru will cover it? Add more money to high-interest risky portals? Add more money to less risky places? Not sure. What would you do?
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