Just a small heads up to those who are not Grupeer or Mintos users and therefore do not get the newsletter from them.
Grupeer also offers 1% cashback on 2 Monify loans until the end of July. These are 12% loans and both have at the moment about 35 000€ still open for investment. And compared to Mintos, for example, Grupeer deposits the cashback instantly, so you can invest it again straight away.
Grupeer also lets us know they are terminating working with Kviku. All investors who have invested in these loans will get the principal back as well as any interest earned at the end of July.
Mintos is also launching cashback campaign on two of their loan originators Kredo and Monego until 26th of July. This cashback is dependant on the length of the loan and can give up to 2% cashback:
* 1% for loans with a remaining maturity of 91-180 days;
* 1.5% for loans with a remaining maturity of 181-270 days;
* 2% for loans with a remaining maturity of above 270 days.
It is important to remember that in Mintos you get the cashback only if before investing to the loans you have signed up for the offer! You can enrol in here. But when I looked at the loans in the market there are none at the moment. So I enrolled in the hopes that my auto-invest might pick some of them up, but that is unlikely, as they have troubles with auto-invest being slow to run. So this seems to be an offer for those who have time to check the listings manually to see in any are added or those who just are lucky.
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