August has arrived and it is time to wrap up the month of July. Although it was a great month I feel a bit disappointed, strange how small things can bring down your mood, isn't it? But let's get into it.
Deposits in July were as follows:
Bondora -10
CrowdEstate 50
Envestio 250
So I added 540 to my investments which is about 200 more than in the previous month, but is about average when looking back to the year.
LHV is my usual 50€ every Tuesday automated transfer and 50€ CrowdEstate is also automated to happen once a month. With Envestio I have had trouble getting money out to projects and the summer has had very few projects there as well. So I had hesitated to add money there, but Jørgen mentioned that there are new projects coming so I added some extra there and got into the Briana projects. So thanks for this, Jørgen!
Bondora is becoming even slower and slower so withdrawing 10€ happened in February, April and now in July. So getting to every 3rd month? That is pathetic. Stay away from them!
Income, let's start on the good stuff, shall we :)
From best to worst:
LHV Growth Account 68,88
Mintos 45,43
CrowdEstate 38,44
EstateGuru 31,92
Envestio 13,91
Grupeer 11,73
Bondora 0,09
So looking generally at the numbers I had a great month, the best of this year.
The best income of this month came from the LHV where my VAL Fund (MSCI EMU Value ETF) paid dividends. Without this, it would have been an average month, but well VAL does payout 2 times a year usually so it was expected to come this month.
When not looking at that the other good performers were Grupeer with the best month yet, also Mintos, Envestio and EstateGuru did as expected to look at the monthly averages. So all together the sum was 210,40€ or 6,79 a day.
So why am I not happy? Well, in the last month overview I showed the graph stating that I was expected to get 375€ in dividends in July (most of it delays). And how much did I get? 38,44! So in a broad glance just 10% of it.
I mean I do realize that projects have delays, I do get it. But one thing that I see is that such issues in EstateGuru, for example, are clearly communicated. Here on some projects, there has been no info, on some they have just rescheduled the payments with no comment on what the issue is. And that makes me frustrated, this being kept in the dark.
So this was how things looked at the end of July still showing all money as it should come on the last days of the month:
And a few days later they just switched it all to August, so I guess we still have to hope?
I also took some screen captures on the last day of the month to see who should be paying me some interest or principal.
So as can be seen quite some projects seem to be in trouble. Looking at the list the only ones who have made (partial) payments are:
Global Nord Timber (V)
USL Invest
Vabaduse 16
USL Invest
Vabaduse 16
So all the others, I am still waiting either on payment or at least an update.
Also, I guess people have been annoyed so they have actually revamped the graphs, so in the new version, there are no bars in the current and future months. I guess it is better not to see the expected income when it month after month does not come?
And one more thing I noticed when logging in just now. The Balozu payment which was shown with a date of 31.07 just a few days ago has now date of 30.06.2019 (so back in JUNE), all others have been moved to current date as is usual in CrowdEstate platform.
I am not sure what to do, as you can see from the screen captures including the principal I was expected to get about 1000€ back to my account and this did not happen. Thinking about stopping my additional payments to the portal to see how this sorts itself out. Not sure yet, and my August payment has already been deposited, but I need to reach a conclusion by September on this.
The portfolio value was 24873,58 on 31.07.2019, which is 620 higher than a month ago. I am getting really close to the 25 000 mark actually, about 10 days before the end of the month I did the calculations and I was just 13 € shy, but then markets dropped and the LHV account value decreased markets, what can you do. I guess in two weeks or so I should be there just based on the additional deposits.
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