I started investing in August 2016, so by the second half of this month, I have been in the investing "scene" for 2 years.
So what have I achieved, are there any changes and what are the future plans?
I started in August 2016 by adding 1000€ to Bondora, then in September I added 1000€ to Mintos and in December added also some funds to CrowdEstate. In January 2017 I started an LHV Growth Account, which allows to by regularly ETFs with relatively low costs and also started using EstateGuru. So half a year in I was already in 4 portals. Quite recently I added Grupeer as 5th.
I realized quite quickly that Bondora is not something I could use as the interest % they show and what you get are really not in balance. I stopped adding money there already in January 2017. This is the only portal I am exiting. Also as lately the interests have dropped significantly in other portals and inflation also eats into the profits I feel too much of my money is in crowdfunding sites... so I have limited my deposits to these sites and try to add most of my investments to LHV Growth Accounts that seems a safer option also due to tax benefits there.
What else I should say about this 2-year journey?
I generated 2 graphs to show in time my deposits month by month as well as the cumulative sum I have deposited over this time. So the best months was January 2017 when I started LHV Growth account and added a lot of money there. All in all, I have deposited 14085€ to my investing accounts.
From the pretax profits, it is clear that months vary quite a bit but all in all, I have gathered 1507€ in profits during these 2 years. I am quite happy with this sum. I mean I am in no way professional, but as someone who started 2 years ago knowing absolutely nothing, this isn't half bad I think.
So what next?
Well, first of all, I try to keep up my current savings level.
I am not currently looking for new portals to try, but I would not say this is ruled out if something interesting crops up. The main target is to keep adding money to investments and I would like to see that by the end of the year 1/3 of my portfolio value is in the LHV Growth account. The end of the year will be a good time to reevaluate things anyway, to see where to go from there.
Also, September will be a bit slower month as I need to pay up the last years income tax (deadline is 1st of October) so probably a bit less money will be deposited to investments next month.
Where will I be the same time next year? I'd love to have portfolio value over 20 000€. Let's see :)
Well, first of all, I try to keep up my current savings level.
I am not currently looking for new portals to try, but I would not say this is ruled out if something interesting crops up. The main target is to keep adding money to investments and I would like to see that by the end of the year 1/3 of my portfolio value is in the LHV Growth account. The end of the year will be a good time to reevaluate things anyway, to see where to go from there.
Also, September will be a bit slower month as I need to pay up the last years income tax (deadline is 1st of October) so probably a bit less money will be deposited to investments next month.
Where will I be the same time next year? I'd love to have portfolio value over 20 000€. Let's see :)
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